
Indium arsenide (InAs) Crystals and Substrates
High mobility ratio and low dislocation density
  • Good lattice integrity, appropriate electrical parameters, and high homogeneity
  • Substrate material for heterojunction materials and epitaxial growth of AlGaSb
  • Surface Roughness(Ra)≤5Å
  • Application fields: infrared devices, medium wave infrared quantum cascade laser(QCL), gas monitoring, Hall semiconductors, etc.
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    Material InAs single crystal Orientation <100>
    Crystal Structure Cube Density 5.66g/cm3
    Melt Point 942℃ Bandgap(@300 K) 0.45eV

    10x10x0.5mm, 5x5x0.5mm,

    D50.8x0.5mm, D76.2x0.5mm

    Surface Roughness Ra≤5Å
    Polishing SSP (single surface polished) or
    DSP (double surface polished)
    Package class 1000 clean room, class 100 bags


    Chemical Properties of InAs Crystal:

    Single Crystal Doping Conduction Type Carrier Concentration Mobility Ratio Dislocation Density
    InAs / N 5x1016 2x104 <5x104
    InAsSn N (5-20)x1017 >2000 <5x104
    InAs Zn P (1-20)x1017 100-300 <5x104
    InAs S N (1-10)x1017 >2000 <5x104


    Indium Arsenide (InAs) single crystal is often used as the substrate material to grow heterojunction materials (InAsSb/In-AsPSb, InNAsSb), which can be utilized to manufacture infrared-emitting devices within the wavelength range 2~14μm.  Indium Arsenide (InAs) can also be used as a substrate material for the epitaxial growth of AlGaSb with a superlattice structure for medium wave infrared quantum cascade laser(QCL). InAs are widely used in gas monitoring and low-loss optical fiber communication. With a high mobility ratio, it is an ideal material for Hall semiconductors. As a single-crystal substrate, Indium Arsenide has low dislocation density, good lattice integrity, appropriate electrical parameters, and high homogeneity. The main growth method of this material is the classical liquid encapsulation pulling method (LEC).

    Shanghai North Optics offers custom Indium Arsenide substrate and wafers according to the request, with a good surface roughness of less than 0.5nm and packaged in class 1000 clean room and class 100 bags.